01. Gospel Proclamation

The church exists to be the good news people for the world. The gospel is that Jesus of Nazareth is the crucified, risen, and ascended Lord of heaven and earth. Through him God’s kingdom has come to renew us and the whole creation. Now we are alive in Christ. We are set free from sin and death, forgiven, and adopted into his family.

02. Spiritual Formation

The goal of the Christian life is union with God. We believe in making fully formed disciples through presence-driven and scripture-rooted spiritual formation.

03. Community

In an isolated and individualistic world, we believe in the church. Jesus has not only called us to himself, but also to each other. We gather in authentic, redemptive, and transformational communities.

04. Mission

Jesus has invited us to join his mission of seeing God’s kingdom established on the earth. We engage in mission as a radical, counter-culture disciple-makers through the power of the Spirit.